Driving to the Yukon in the fall, HOLD up wait a minute.


When you travel, check the weather, and seasonal road closures along with the road worthiness of your vehicle. 

It is a great thing to travel, drive, sight see and see friends or make new ones. 

I have been on the road for weeks and weeks, and the constant is God's presence. He is always with me and I never felt alone. Some will say this is made up, but I have proof. 

Yes, you may wonder if there is proof God exists. YES!  I will tell you all about it. 

Back to the travel information. 

Going on a road trip can be for two hours or for two months. It is wise to keep in mind the weather where you will be traveling too. Especially in fall. The weather in Canada going north can change in a couple of days. You can go from 30C to 14 in a short amount of time. 

In two days you can leave the heat of Casa Grande, AZ and drive to the cool of Colorado. Or..

You would be able to feel the humidity of Florida on your face and the sweat on your shirt in the summer, only to trade it for the cooler mountain air of Georgia a day later. 

When driving in colder areas, be prepared for travel emergencies. Engine trouble, transmission issues, anything that could cause a week to two week delay in your travel could spell a potential emergency. 

If you are driving without chains or are not sure when the mountain roads close, change that. It may not be needed, but the cost and time to check the roads is invaluable. 

Canada,Yukon and Alaska have road closures on Sept. 30. 

The ferry going from Washington to Alaska has fewer options after Sept. 30 each year. Check out their schedule. 

What about Hawaii, do you need to check the weather there? YES, be sure to check any hurricanes that may be coming your way, and also random volcano eruptions. Iceland and Hawaii and other places we visit have active volcanos, and who would think they erupted? 
But they do. 

I am not suggesting you cancel your trip, but you may want to add come N-95 masks (the only time to use them is in an emergency, not day to day in the grocery store- if you ask me.)

Be sure to work around that time with supplies and preparedness, not fear. Hurricane? Bring a rain jacket and extra flashlights. Volcano, bring shoes you can run in if needed. Or if it is needed, postpone your trip for a 'calmer' time. 

I have always said, 'Be prepared' and if you don't know what that looks like, just ask. 

I am not a Girl Scout, Boy Scout or Prepper, I am a person who likes to face life from a prepared stance. 

I suggest leaving Alaska via Chicken. YES! Chicken Alaska!

If I can find a photo, I will. :)

What do you do for family preparedness while traveling?

God bless you as you explore and adventure!

