Kentucky Bound

 Kentucky, a land of no distractions:

 Kentucky Bound.


Life is not always, fun, exciting, productive, green or feeling good. This post is raw, real and reality. I am in a safe place, a good place, but it is not my dream home or place. Kentucky is good, does God want better?


The pure clean air, with trees everywhere

The Ohio river wide, keeps me on this side

It's a rainbow of grace that keeps showing God's face

When I am alone with no distractions to wipe the moan

I am here in Kentucky

A beautiful kind place where people shower love, life and grace to those who are here without a face

I have no distractions because I have no eyes to see a familiar face. 

Kentucky Bound

I am Kentucky Bound. I am planted here with no one to fill time or space or to distract me from life's pains and loneliness. 

I have friends that are content with life, alone and without something that is calling to them. They are content, and I yearn for more. More of God, more of life, yearning for God's call on my life. 

Excitement, Joy, Fun, Holy Spirit power, giving back to others. Not a life for me and what I want to do, for others. 

I would like a sustainable home that is a blessing to others, as an Airbnb would be or a retreat home for resting. 

I also, want to live near the ocean to enjoy the weather that is only found near the breeze of the ocean air. The health, the calm, the power, the clean air. 

Can I do both? I vacillate, I tetter-totter, but I leave the results up to God. I am only a little firefly, doing what I can to light up the world. 

 The fireflies in Kentucky are such a beautiful joy and pleasure to me. I don't know if many senior citizens enjoy those perfect little lights that flit and fly all around on a summer evening. I don't know who God created them for, Him or me? I just am very thankful, and they bring such innocent JOY!

The child inside of me that loves the simplicity of nature. 

Remember catching Lady Bugs in the grass before we caught the bus C.T.? It is a time long, long ago, we both were learning to love nature and animals. It was also my first knowing the world made sense and God ordered it.  

Simplicity, and ease. We don't always get both. Maybe the two intersect, but the realness of life creates a 'rub' and that rub usually creates a shine and that shine reflects God, I hope. 

So, yes, I am Kentucky bound. 

Bound and yet FREE. 

I live in Freedom! 

What about you? Are you free and enjoying life? My love for God is in all I do, I pray you find the peace of God, inside of you.

Shalom, Shalom
